I loved cold brew coffee long before you could buy it in every store. It’s stronger than drip brewed and uses more coffee, so if you waste a part of a batch, you are throwing away money! And no one can afford that these days. So, you may be wondering if you can freeze cold brew coffee.
Go ahead and find those ice cube trays that are hiding in the back of your cabinets and let’s get started!
What Is Cold Brew Coffee?
Cold brew coffee is a delicious and refreshing way to enjoy coffee. It has less acid due to the cold brew process and is super easy to make. You can even make cold brew in a French Press!
Basically, you add water to coarse ground coffee and let it sit for 24 to 48 hours, then strain. But you can also buy it pre-brewed at your local grocery. Or, of course, grab a glass at your local coffee shop.
But what if you make too much and don’t want to waste it? The good news is that you can keep your cold brew fresh for longer by freezing it.
What’s the Best Way to Store Coffee Concentrate?
Cold brew coffee concentrate can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks, but can last months if you freeze it. Freezing your cold brew concentrate in an ice cube tray is a great way to extend its shelf life while not taking up much room in your freeze.
How to Freeze Cold Brew Coffee
Freezing cold brew coffee is an easy and effective way to extend its shelf life without sacrificing flavor. Additionally, freezing cold-brewed coffee does not reduce the caffeine content.
Simply pour the concentrate into an ice cube tray, freeze it, then pop out the cubes into a resealable bag and store it in your freezer until you’re ready to use it.
Alternatively, cold brew ice cubes can be used in your glass of cold brew in the summer so that as it melts, it never dilutes!
Reheating Frozen Cold Brew Coffee
Did you know you can drink cold brew, iced, or hot? When ready for a hot or cold coffee, you can thaw a few cubes in the refrigerator or heat some up on the stove or in the microwave.
Homemade or store-bought cold brew – both heat up the same. And if you’re looking for something special, try my Hazelnut Mocha Coconut Latte.
Thawing Frozen Cold Brew Coffee
You can just thaw what you need overnight in the fridge or if you are in a hurry, just microwave it.
Storing Cold Brew
In the fridge, cold brew coffee lasts about two weeks, and it doesn’t start to lose flavor in the freezer for two months.
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